Where Do You Get Your News? Check Out the The Hershey Press

One of the great resources available at the Archives’ website, is its online access to Hershey’s first newspaper, The Hershey Press.
The first issue of The Hershey Press was published on September 3, 1909. A weekly publication, The Hershey Press covered local, Hershey news as well as events in neighboring communities. It is a great resource for local historians and genealogists. Here at the Archives we used it when we need to research everything from the development of the Hershey Chocolate Factory to events such as the Hershey Flower Show, the opening of the Hershey Quick Lunch, and the launch of Hershey’s first roller coaster in 1923. Its first editorial outlined the paper’s goals.
The newspaper was published consistently until its demise in 1926, with only one break. The break occurred in June 1917, and lasted until January 11, 1918. There was no notice that the May 31, 1917 issue was going to be the last issue for a while.
And while the January 11, 1918 issue acknowledged the restart of the paper, there was still no explanation for the stoppage.
Likewise, when the paper ceased to be published after the December 30, 1926 issue, again there was no warning that that issue would be the last one published.